Dave Sias, PGA Professional
Dave has been in the golf business at private and public golf courses for over 30 years and a PGA Professional Member since 1995. He has played in several Michigan PGA Tournaments and also has attended numerous coaching and player development seminars throughout his career. Some of the certification and coaching seminars attended over the years: US Kids Golf, FlightScope, Michael Hebron, Hank Haney, Gary Wiren, Rick Smith, Jimmy Ballard, David Leadbetter, Dr. Bob Rotella, Jim Flick, Mike Bender, Mark Blackburn.
Dave believes that strong emphasis should be placed on the importance of pre-swing setup. The proper grip, aim, stance, balance, posture, alignment and ball position is the foundation of a good golf swing to create solid ball impact. He does not prescribe to the “one swing fits all” approach as everyone has varying levels of timing, flexibility and physical build.
Dave’s instruction reaches all levels of golfers with individual private lessons, junior lessons, golf clinics, junior golf camps and group lessons available all year at Oasis Golf Academy.